Saturday, March 17, 2012

Reader Review - If Love Had a Manual

Recently, I came across an eBook that I decided to read.  It was called If Love Had a Manual and it was written by Dante Long.  I liked the concept of it.  You have manuals for your TV, computer, or cell phone.  But no one has really written a manual for love.  Sure, there's a lot of self-help books out there for dating, however, these books only tell you how to attract the opposite sex.  There's nothing really out there that tells you what you should do once you come across that feeling that most people search their entire lives for.

If Love Had a Manual is a short eBook, about 12 pages long, that uses the author's voice to tell what he feels everyone should know about a little thing called love.  In the beginning, Long does advise that he is not a relationship expert or a philosopher so what is stated in the eBook is really his personal views on love and relationships.

This read had some good points and advice to offer that I think some people might find useful when it comes to the subject of love.  It talks about different approaches you can take when you are meeting someone or trying to get someone to date you.  It also gives advice about the concepts of trust and infidelity, which just about everyone has an issue with one or the other if not both.

After I finished reading the eBook, I walked away with at least one different perspective on love.  There was one sentence from the eBook that stuck with me.  In the chapter called Something to Think About, it talks about the reasoning behind couples who take their vows to heart and stay together 'til death do they part. The sentence that held on to me said "...when someone accepts you into their life as a mate; it's up to you to cherish that gift."  This is probably the most accurate accountability about love that I have encountered.  Being loved is most definitely a gift from someone, but how you receive that gift is up to you.  You can either ignore it, neglect it, abuse it, or cherish it.  And when you cherish it, it can be the most beautiful thing.

If you're looking for something to read with a personal perspective on love and relationships, I would recommend If Love Had a Manual by Dante Long.  You can purchase this eBook for only $0.99 on, a site for indie writers and publishers.  It's not too much money for a different insight on something we can all find to be confusing at times.

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